Information for Faculty

Fact Sheet for Hiring Postdoctoral Fellows in the College of Engineering

  • Postdoc Orientation
  • Appointments may be made for one year or less, with the possibility of renewal in subsequent years, not to exceed a total of five years of postdoctoral training at the University. 
  • CoE sets a minimum salary for research fellows each year. As of September 1, 2024, the minimum full-time salary rate will be $61,008. For postdocs who are working part-time, contact Jen Piper for an employee/supervisor agreement which outlines overtime policy.
  • All postdocs must complete PEERRS training.
  • Vacation and sick time accrue pro rata at the start of their hire year: a postdoc with a one year 100% effort appointment begins the hire date year with 22 days of vacation and up to 15 days of sick time.
    • Postdocs must take vacation time during their annual appointment period. The University will not provide pay in lieu of time off.
  • Postdocs receive paid time off for all of the University season days and holidays observed during their appointment period. If their research requires that they work on these days, an equivalent amount of time off should be provided when possible.
  • After a six month period of employment, postdocs are eligible for up to six weeks per year of paid extended leave, if fellows are unable to fulfill responsibilities because of a qualifying disability, e.g., serious illness, serious injury or childbirth. There is a funding pool available via Work Connections for postdocs supported on sponsored projects. Contact the ADAA office about funding for those not on sponsored projects.
  • Postdocs who are eligible for the Family Medical Leave Act may take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave with continuation of university contributions to their benefit coverage. FMLA benefits run concurrently with the six weeks per year of paid extended leave, plus sick and vacation time described in the bullet above.
  • You and the Fellow should develop an agreed-upon training program that will enhance the Fellow’s scholarship and ability as a researcher. NSF Fellows must have a mentoring plan in place. The plan should include at least the following elements:
    • An individual development/progress plan jointly formulated by the Fellow and mentor at the outset of employment.
    • Access to courses or presentations on Responsible Conduct of Research and required
    • Plan for professional growth through participation in seminars and conference travel.
    • Access to tutorials on identifying research opportunities and proposal preparation
    • Participation in regularly scheduled group meetings and required presentation of work
    • Annual written report of progress including Fellow’s self assessment.
    • Rackham Graduate School provides further information on mentoring and advising.
  • If problems should arise, there is a College of Engineering conflict resolution process.

Useful Links

UM Standard Practice Guide:
CoE Postdoc Policy:
CoE Postdoc Webpage:
Academic Human Resources:
UM Postdoc Handbook:
Individual Development Plan from Science Careers:


HR Issues
Jen Piper, [email protected], 734.647.7035
Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

CoE PostDoc Office
Joanne Navarre, [email protected], 734-647-1579
Office of the Associate Dean for Research
Staff Liaison