Conflict Resolution for Postdoctoral Research Fellows

Conflict resolution procedures are available to a College of Engineering Postdoctoral Research Fellow who has a conflict or disagreement with faculty or staff about the equity and fairness of decisions or procedures that affect the conduct of research.

Scope of Policy

Other University policies and procedures may apply to other allegations of faculty and staff misconduct. Such matters will be governed by appropriate policies administered by other University units:

  • Complaints that a member of the faculty or staff has engaged in research misconduct will be handled by the UM-Office of Research. (
  • Complaints that a member of the faculty or staff has violated the University’s non-discrimination and harassment policies will be investigated by the University’s Office of Institutional Equity. (
  • Claims that a member of the faculty or staff has violated employment contracts will be investigated by Academic Human Resources. (

A Fellow who alleges misconduct by a faculty or staff member must pursue the complaint in the most appropriate forum. A fellow may not pursue the same allegation in different venues. Fellows who agree to have a conflict mediated under this policy agree not to pursue the same matter in any other forum within the University. Any questions regarding where to pursue a particular complaint should be directed to Jen Piper, Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, [email protected].

Procedures for Conflict Resolution

The following procedures are available to postdoctoral research fellows who wish to complain of any action or inaction, within the jurisdiction or control of the College of Engineering, which the Fellow alleges to be in violation of law or University policy or to be unfair, arbitrary, or capricious.